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August 2017


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This shark receives its common name because of its bulbous head, small snout and a pair of small beards that it has on each side, very similar to the whiskers of a cat. On the dorsal part, this shark may have a gray or brown coloration depending on its maturity, while in the belly area the coloration is pale in all specimens. 

This species is predominantly demersal (it lives in the sandy and rocky bottoms) and is found at depths ranging between 1m and 75mm. 

The diet of the Cat sharks consists of small fish, mollusks (octopus, squid, clams), crustaceans, etc. 

Despite being a species of shark quite common in several places, scientific studies on this species are scarce, which has resulted in a “data deficient” classification by the International Union for the Preservation of nature. 

Picture: Andy Murch


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The silky shark acquires its common name because of the softness of its skin. Other notable features are a moderately long, pointed snout, large eyes, and a regular, non-prominent dorsal fin. It’s a kind of coastal, pelagic habits. As for their diet, this shark feeds mainly on Tuna, Mackerel, Las Lisas and Squid. 

Like other species of sharks, their reproduction is viviparous, which means that the embryos feed through the placenta. As for its classification, the International Union for the Preservation of nature has classified them as “almost threatened” which at the global level implies an indication of instability of the populations of this particular species. 

Picture: Alan C. Egan


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The great hammerhead shark differs from the other species of hammerhead sharks by having an almost straight head with a cleft in the middle and, that the first dorsal fin is very large, characteristic very particular of this species. 

It lives in the warm and tropical coastal regions of most of the world and feeds on fish, crustaceans and cephalopods from their specific regions. The great hammerhead shark is a viviparous species, a reproductive mode in which the embryos, through the placenta, are fed by the mother until the moment of birth. 

Remember that one of the most notable features of hammerhead sharks is to have a vision of 360 ° (peripheral), so the shark can see what happens in all around, taking advantage of this ability to hunt their prey.

Like the other species of hammerhead sharks, the International Union for the Preservation of Nature classifies the great hammerhead shark as “endangered”. 

Picture: Simon Rogerson


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Gulper shark is a species that inhabits the slopes of the continental coasts of different regions of the planet, being found from 50m to the 1440m of depth. Although it is true that it can inhabit from 50m deep sea, this shark is rarely seen at depths less than 200 m. 

Its most notable characteristics are very large and green eyes, a grey/brown coloration in the dorsal and clear part of the ventral area, and thorns in the dorsal fins. Also, your skin is covered with mucus. As for its diet, it feeds on: small bony fish, squid and crustaceans. Its type of reproduction is Ovoviviparous which means that the eggs are incubated inside the mother’s body, after that, the mother lays the eggs, and already outside the mother’s body the offspring are born. 

The Gulper shark is classified as “data deficient” by the International Union for the Preservation of nature and as for its preservation is considered a species vulnerable to the effects of the trawl fishery. 

Picture: Andy Murch


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The White saddled Catshark is characterized as a small-sized shark. As for its coloration it presents a pattern of dark and clear spots along its body as well as white dots. 

This shark is considered a kind of depth and inhabits the continental shelf at depths from 274m to the 457m. The type of reproduction is unknown, but the hypothesis is that they are oviparous. Because of the difficulty in accessing this specimen, abundance is also unknown, so the International Union for the preservation of nature cannot define its state of preservation. 

Picture: Andy Murch


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In hammerhead sharks, the head has a particular “T” shape, from the resemblance to a hammer, where the origin of its name comes from. For a long time the shape of his head has been the object of intrigue and study by the scientific community who have established different theories around this unique shark. 

With an excellent vision to recognize the depth, hammerhead sharks can see with great precision what happens to their surroundings, this being one of its greatest characteristics for the search of food. Their diet is mainly constituted of small fishes, crustaceans (like shrimps, lobsters, barnacles, etc.) and rays. 

Regularly, this species lives on the coasts and in the open sea. In addition, it is currently classified as: “Endangered” by the International Union for the Preservation of nature, hence the urgency to promote its preservation. 

Photo: Simon Rogerson


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This shark has been baptized as Tiger shark because of some similarities with the terrestrial animal. This species, on the dorsal part, has a dark blue-tinted gray coloring, and multiple streaks and dark spots along its body, similar to a tiger, although these characteristics tend to fade with age. In the ventral part it has a particular coloration between white and light yellow. 

The Tiger Shark lives in shallow waters, in bays and estuaries. Its diet is varied and consists of fish, birds, marine mammals, mollusks and crustaceans. Its reproduction is Ovoviviparous, type of reproduction in which the mother feeds the embryos, found in eggs, inside her body and then at the moment of birth are released from the body of the mother. 

The International Union for the Preservation of nature has classified the tiger shark as “almost threatened” which for this species is considered a low risk, but still as a latent risk. 

Picture: Alan C. Egan


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Dusky shark is characterized by having the first dorsal fin long and high, while its pectoral fins are wide and long. Its coloring is mostly grey, although its ventral part is pale. 

This shark lives in the intertidal zone, that is to say the coastal strip where there is a mixture of strips of water and earth that are subjected to the effects of the low and high tides. It is called dusky shark by the area it inhabits, as it is commonly seen in the sandy coastal areas. 

The diet of these sharks is mainly made up of benthic bone fish and it is even known that it can feed on other sharks. 

The International Union for the Preservation of nature has classified it as “Vulnerable” mainly because of the casualties that have been observed in the population numbers. 

Picture: Alan C. Egan


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From the 3rd to the 6th of October 2017 the first tour for the implementation of the project was carried out: “Environmental education program on the reduction of plastic, reuse and recycling for the preservation of marine ecosystems of Livingston, Guatemala”. 

This tour had its primary purpose in presenting in greater detail this project to the authorities of the chosen campuses to carry out this project; special meetings were held with Francisco Caballeros director of the INEB Augusta Blanca Rubio and with the director of the INED of Livingston Mitzi Alvarez. The last meeting to socialize the project was carried out with authorities of the Departmental Directorate of Education of Izabal, directed by Mr. Julio de León Sosa and his assistant Claudia Morales, where important contributions were obtained for the correct execution of the Project and its respective Vo. Bo. To work on the 2018. 

We very much appreciate the consent of the educational authorities of Livingston and Puerto Barrios to the projects that Blue World Foundation has prepared for the 2018 school year. 

Stay with us to know what this excellent project is, stay with us because… 


The CLEAN-ATHON was a success!

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The Blue World Foundation team joined the activity organized by La Choza Chula in El Paredon, Guatemala, on July 29th. Immense amounts of garbage from Iztapa beach and places around the community of El Paredon were collected.

Large numbers of people were conglomerated to carry out the activity where environmental awareness and recycling were promoted. Countless sacks filled with plastic, glass, aluminum and other waste were extracted from the seas to be properly disposed of or recycled.

We thank the KOA Surf, La Choza Chula and Guate Passport for the invitation to such an important and interesting activity.