GUATE has talent!

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With an excellent mural, young people from El Quetzalito promote the preservation of marine ecosystems in the Guatemalan Caribbean. 

A very special thanks to the Federal government of the United States for the support provided so that this project could be realized. 


URL is blue!

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Students of the Rafael Landívar University received a talk related to “marine biodiversity with an emphasis on sharks”. 

We appreciate the time and support provided, we also thank the LICDA. Ana SIlvia Martínez for promoting interest in marine biodiversity and its preservation.


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The Workshop “Leadership and Community Art” was given to young people of El Quetzalito as part of the community development projects that Blue World Foundation carries out in the Caribbean of Guatemala . 

The activity was developed in two parts: 


Project aimed at transmitting knowledge on how to develop practical strategies and critical thinking tools for strengthening the leadership capacities of young people within their community, all in favor of the care of the environment, awareness of pollution and, the reduction and reuse of articles made of plastic. 


Through artistic expressions young people put into practice the leadership capacities they strengthened. 

They transmitted environmental preservation messages using mostly recycled materials.


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June began with an educational workshop in the INEB Professor Augusta Blanca Rubio, located in Livingston, Izabal.

This workshop addressed the topic: “Biology, ecology, importance and problematic of sharks in Guatemala”.

60 first-grade students were benefited from the activity. The main objective was to raise awareness and inform students about the current situation of sharks at the local level.


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During the visit the students, they learned about the biology and ecology of sharks and rays, as well as the importance of them in the ocean. In addition, other activities were carried out with the students such as: crafts (Masks of sharks and sharks with clay). 

Finally, the students represented a play called “the first day of classes of the Shark”, where one of the main characters was a cute shark.


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On June 8th at the Teacher’s Social house in Puerto Barrios, Izabal was held a commemorative activity to the day of the oceans. Several local educational establishments attended the event (around 150 young people). 

Blue World Foundation participated in this important activity together Fundaeco Guatemala, Mesoamerican Reef Fund-MAR fund-, Conap National Council of Protected Areas, healthy reefs for healthy People, Ecologic, AMMUDIS and the Ministry of Environment and Natural resources ( mRNA). 

Let´s remember that the oceans produce a good part of the oxygen we breathe, much of the food we consume and are a source of important employment, recognizing its importance and carrying out actions to take care of the oceans is to take care of life and one of the sources Important human development.


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Blue World Foundation works with the BRUVS methodology at the Punta de Manabíque Wildlife Refuge (RVSPM). With this methodology, the abundance of marine species in the different sampling points is monitored. The BRUVS structures (underwater Video stations with bait) are composed of a PVC frame to which one holds a camera at one end and bait in the other; in this way it attracts the fauna and registers its abundance and composition of species in the area that is being monitored.